First lets start with the sorrowful news so we can end on a happy note. A very good friend of ours had a ATV accident almost didn't survive. We had gotten news he was doing good only to hear a few days later that he had flat lined but was again revived. He seems to be doing better now but it is day to day. My prayers, thoughts, and extra strength is with him everyday. I spoke to my very best friend and heard some real awful news regarding a mutual friend's son. Seems he was driving down the highway at night and some person who wanted to commit suicide saw him coming and ran in front of his car. He hit him the person went flying over his car and was hit by three other cars from what I understand. My prayers are with my friend's son also.
Next put in an offer for a customer which is now in a Multi Offer situation. I don't know how many of you will recall a post I wrote called "Almost Hit One Out of the Park" but that young couple returned to me as a customer (hurray) and we put an offer on a Home for them which I really hope happens for them because they are really nice, on top of their game, hard working, and if anyone deserves it they certainly do. Sometimes I wonder how good I will be at this business I care more for my customers than myself and think I would be just as disappointed if not more so if they didn't get this house. It makes me feel really great inside because I think it is a really nice house for them. Their parents must be proud of them I know I am. Again what a nice family that is what I love about this business.
Visited some good friends. What a pond they made in their back yard - very talented. Little water fall, lights for at night, water plants, simply beautiful. Hope to get the pictures so I can post about their back yard retreat.
Finally it is the last Antique show in Brimfield so that means packing campers, setting up tents, loading our 15 foot box truck, and a week in a field selling. If you have never been to Brimfield I encourage you to do so - bring your walking shoes and wallet. For more information go to Here are some photos from July's show.
This is only a small view of what to expect. Yup that's how we live for the week at Brimfield's Antique Show. Lots of great people, fun, and friends. Well all work very hard and help each other out.
I have missed blogging so much that I decided I would use my last bit of energy today and offer this post. Please enjoy and if you get a chance don't miss the Antique Show it is the last one this year. Hope to see you there. Oh yeah seeing how I never got a chance to put my picture on my blog guess you won't know it is me (it is getting to the top of my long list of things to do). LOL
Til next time enjoy, be happy, successful, productive, take time to love your family and friends we never know what will come our way.